Contact Junheng

Guangzhou Junheng Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd
Mobile:13724052386 Mr Yin
Address: No. 7, Zhengli Street, Dongcun Industrial Zone, Shawan Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou city
- What should be paid attention to in the production of air expansion shaft accessories?[ 2020-12-01 ]
- The air expansion shaft is one of the most widely used differential shafts. Its main highlight is that it has low friction and can freely manipulate small, ligh
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- What is a ball-type differential shaft?[ 2020-12-01 ]
- There are many types of differential shafts, and XC differential shaft is one of them. However, the ball type differential shaft is not a XC differential shaft
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- Don't dismantle the differential shaft easily when it broken![ 2020-12-01 ]
- The differential shaft is a kind of precision mechanical component. Don't think about disassembling it for inspection when it fails. why? Let’s take a br
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- XC differential shaft manufacturer: What are the characteristics of the metal manufacturing material of the differential shaft?[ 2020-12-01 ]
- The differential shaft is a mechanical accessory with durability, wear resistance, high accuracy, high efficiency and good mechanical performance. Generally, me
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- XC differential shaft of the lithium battery applications which step in the production of lithium batteries?[ 2020-12-01 ]
- The XC differential shaft of the lithium battery is actually the XC differential shaft, just because the differential shaft maximizes its performance in the pro
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- See you in Shanghai in 2020[ 2019-06-21 ]
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- Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center[ 2019-06-21 ]
- 现场成交,打入东南亚市场
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- 2019 Shanghai Exhibition[ 2019-06-21 ]
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- 2019 Shanghai Exhibition[ 2019-06-21 ]
- 上海国际胶带与薄膜展会
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- Junheng Machinery's introduction to XC differential shaft[ 2017-11-04 ]
- 广州骏恒机械设备有限公司是一家专业研发、制造气胀轴、滑差轴等自动化机械配件的创新型企业。以创新精神为本,始终致力于不断创新、开发新技术、新产品,随时满足客户所需,
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- What is the air expansion shaft? What are the functions of the air expansion shaft?[ 2017-11-03 ]
- 什么是气胀轴,气胀轴都适用于哪些地方呢,它的使用保养方面到底方不方便,作业时间需要多久,它的承载量到底有多大?下面我们将针对以上问题给大家一一解答,什么是气胀轴和气胀轴
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- You don’t know all the advantages of differential shafts[ 2017-09-26 ]
- 西村式滑差轴是收卷和放卷专用设备,虽然它的结构比较复杂,但是使用非常的灵活方便。它弥补了气压式滑差轴在使用过程中,由于高速的运转产生的摩擦导致气囊烂掉。同时,它不会摩
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- such simple maintenance of the air expansion shaft[ 2017-09-15 ]
- Air expansion shaft, is the shaft mainly through the formation of inflatable, is the winding, unwinding tools. It has a relatively short time to inflate, or ev
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- The air expansion shaft is an excellent tool for retracting and unwinding[ 2017-09-14 ]
- 气胀轴,是收放卷的工具。主要分为板式气胀轴、键式气胀轴2种。板式的气胀轴,又叫板片气胀轴,膨胀起来的主要是板片,它的特点是支点比较匀散,受力也是非常的均匀。主要是用于收卷
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- Not everyone understands the world of air expansion shaft[ 2017-09-11 ]
- 我们大家都知道气胀轴,它是一种收卷和放卷的工具。它的工作原理其实就是通过高压充气后可以迅速膨胀起来的轴,把气放掉之后又能够迅速缩回。但是在使用气涨轴的时候,又需要注
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- XC Differential Shaft is an expert in rewinding and unwinding[ 2017-09-08 ]
- 西村式滑差轴的别名是摩擦轴,主要是用于各种的收卷和放卷,应用是非常的广泛。它可以将多卷筒料,从卷芯到外层均匀并且整齐的卷绕在一根或者两根以上的轴上
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- The subtlety of the air expansion shaft[ 2017-09-04 ]
- As the name suggests, the air expansion shaft is made by inflating the air nozzle of the air expansion shaft with an air gun, which comes from Meses. The protru
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- The subtlety of XC differential shaft[ 2017-08-30 ]
- 随着人们生活水平的提高,科技的快速发展,各公司对软产品的包装也是越来越高。然而,薄膜的出现也是越来越频繁,大到商场超市,小到普通老百姓。因此,对薄膜的延伸率也是越来越小,收
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- Production and sales of XC type air expansion differential shaft manufacturers-Guangzhou Junheng machinery[ 2017-07-28 ]
- Throughout the domestic market, there are not many businessmen selling XC type air expansion differential shaft, and even fewer producing XC differential shaft.
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- Where is the main application of XC differential shaft?[ 2017-07-18 ]
- The application of that XC differential shaft is apply to a slitting machine for lithium battery production, so that the slitting machine can be uniform in cut
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- The Structure and Characteristics of Air expansion Shaft[ 2017-07-17 ]
- Many people will not know the difference between the air expansion shaft and the differential shaft, so today we will talk about the structure and characteristi
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- What is the role of the differential shaft on the slitter?[ 2017-06-20 ]
- Slitting machine differential shaft is dedicated to the differential shaft slitter. The special slip differential shaft of the slitting machine is matched with
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- XC Differential Shaft Manufacturer: What is a key type differential shaft?[ 2017-06-15 ]
- There are many types of XC differential shaft, and XC air expansion shaft belongs to one of them. And the key type differential shaft is one of the XC type air
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- Application of XC Differential Shaft in Lithium Battery Production[ 2017-06-05 ]
- Lithium batteries are made with a metal coating. How to achieve the continuous and rapid wrapping of the metal layer of lithium batteries is the need for the XC
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- What accessories are available for XC differential shaft?[ 2017-06-02 ]
- The XC differential shaft was first developed in Japan, and its structure is more complex and very precise. General hardware production technology of domestic m
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