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What is the role of the differential shaft on the slitter?

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2017-06-20 18:28:07【large middle-sized small

Slitting machine differential shaft is dedicated to the differential shaft slitter. The special slip differential shaft of the slitting machine is matched with the height of the slitting machine. So what role does this good partner play in the slitting machine? Let's take a look: 


1. Basic function

Differential shaft in the basic role of the cutting machine is used to cut and roll low tension products. That is to say, the complete product can be cut into several equal parts by the rotation of torque, and then the cut material can be rolled up by the friction of slip.

2. Value-added services

With the upgrade of the design and precision of the differential shaft, the end face of the rolled product can be neat, and the tightness and the size of the rolled product can be controlled accordingly. It is also because of the high precision of the slitting machine slip shaft, slitting machine can achieve good performance to tell the production.


Moreover, the bearing capacity of the differential shaft of the slitting machine is strong, and the weight of tens to hundreds of pieces can be borne, so that the production continuity of the slitting machine is further improved.


In a word, the development of slitting machine is also inseparable from the technical support of the slip shaft of slitting machine. Slitting machine differential shaft failure can be linked to the sliding system XC differential shaft maintenance, repair.

 2. Value-added services

With the upgrade of the design and precision of the differential shaft, the end face of the rolled product can be neat, and the tightness and the size of the rolled product can be controlled accordingly. It is also because of the high precision of the slitting machine slip shaft, slitting machine can achieve good performance to tell the production.


Moreover, the bearing capacity of the differential shaft of the slitting machine is strong, and the weight of tens to hundreds of pieces can be borne, so that the production continuity of the slitting machine is further improved.


In a word, the development of slitting machine is also inseparable from the technical support of the slip shaft of slitting machine. Slitting machine differential shaft failure can be linked to the sliding system XC differential shaft maintenance, repair.

