What accessories are available for XC differential shaft?
The XC differential shaft was first developed in Japan, and its structure is more complex and very precise. General hardware production technology of domestic manufacturers can not complete the production of XC differential shaft, even if the performance of the production will be very different.

Namely the shell of the inflation unit, which can play the role of fixing and wrapping;
2. Piston
A component of a pneumatic device for regulating and controlling pressure;
3. Spring
Act as a constrictor
4. Expansion sheet
The pressure of the gas expansion unit is deformed, and the friction force is generated on the material by utilizing the surface tension;]
5. Bearing
The support of the whole slip shaft;
6. Chip base
There are several types of XC differential shaft, XC differential shaft accessories will be different, this is only the structural accessories of XC type air expansion shaft, but generally speaking, the principle is basically the same.
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