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XC differential shaft manufacturer: What are the characteristics of the metal manufacturing material of the differential shaft?

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2020-12-01 14:28:02【large middle-sized small

The differential shaft is a mechanical accessory with durability, wear resistance, high accuracy, high efficiency and good mechanical performance. Generally, metal materials are generally used in the manufacture of differential shafts. So, what are the characteristics of the metal material that makes the differential shaft?


 1. Wear resistance

The differential shaft rotates at high speed during operation, so it must be wear-resistant as the differential shaft material;


2. Smooth

The purity and surface tension of the metal material determine the smoothness of the material, so the purity of the material is required to be higher;


3. High mechanical strength

The differential shaft requires a certain load-bearing capacity to support the passing materials. Different production projects have different requirements for the mechanical strength of the differential shaft. The load-bearing capacity requirements range from several kilograms to several tons.


XC differential shaft manufacturers believe that part of the good mechanical properties of differential shafts comes from the material of the differential shaft, so it is recommended that customers pay attention to the material when purchasing the differential shaft.