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Where is the main application of XC differential shaft?

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2017-07-18 19:19:54【large middle-sized small

The application of that XC differential shaft is apply to a slitting machine for lithium battery production, so that the slitting machine can be uniform in cut surface, and the end surface uniformity of a slitting material during rolling can be control. Therefore, the XC differential shaft is also called the Slitting Machine XC type differential shaft, Lithium Battery XC Type differential shaft and so on.


The outstanding feature of XC differential shaft is that its friction force can be reduced to a very small, especially suitable for the cutting of precious metal materials. XC differential shaft is widely used, but the scope of use is relatively not wide enough, because its production requires high accuracy, so the price is expensive. For cost considerations, some businesses will settle for second best. However, precious metals themselves are also very valuable, and the loss of production consumption is also huge for manufacturers.Therefore, under the measurement of the two, the use of XC differential shaft has taken root in the precious metal industry and has been developed and strengthened in the lithium battery production industry.

With the maturity of production conditions of domestic manufacturers, the production cost of XC differential shaft is gradually reduced, and the use of XC differential shaft will be further expanded.

