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Guangzhou Junheng Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd

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Address: No. 7, Zhengli Street, Dongcun Industrial Zone, Shawan Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou city

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Discussion on the characteristics of frictional force increase of XC type air expansion differential shaft[ 2016-04-15 ]
In the pipeline design function of the rolling pressure, the rotating number of the air expansion shaft can be increased in different sizes, so that the mechani
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XC type air expansion differential shaft: The principle of balanced operation of an expanded compressed gas pipeline[ 2016-04-12 ]
In the framework engineering of the support construction, the effect of stable bearing strength in the specification of mechanical rotation separation is increa
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Have a comprehensive understanding of which ways the air expansion shaft is used?[ 2016-04-08 ]
In the rotary contraction pressure of the bearing is increased, the effect of large compression force in independent part design can be adjusted, so in the link
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