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XC differential shaft of the lithium battery applications which step in the production of lithium batteries?

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2020-12-01 14:25:29【large middle-sized small

The XC differential shaft of the lithium battery is actually the XC differential shaft, just because the differential shaft maximizes its performance in the production of lithium batteries, it is also called the XC differential shaft of the lithium battery.


XC differential shafts are usually used in the winding and slitting of lithium battery pole pieces, diaphragms, and casings in the production process of lithium batteries. Especially in the production steps of pole pieces, the material of lithium battery pole pieces is lithium metal. The chemical properties of lithium metal are very active and can easily react with air to cause high temperature or explosion. Another person, the price of lithium metal is expensive, so consumption is causing serious economic losses in the production of hit points. Therefore, the accuracy and uniformity of the end face of the XC differential shaft of the lithium battery have been well played here, as if it exists for the production of lithium batteries. Moreover, the pole piece and diaphragm are both very light and thin materials with a small area. Only the low friction of the XC differential shaft can meet the production requirements.


In general, only the XC differential shaft for lithium batteries can meet the requirements of lithium battery production.