Production and sales of XC type air expansion differential shaft manufacturers-Guangzhou Junheng machinery
Throughout the domestic market, there are not many businessmen selling XC type air expansion differential shaft, and even fewer producing XC differential shaft. Guangzhou Junheng Machinery Equipment Co Ltd. is a production and sales of differential shaft, air expansion shaft as one of the companies.
Why is there a small number of merchants and manufacturers producing and selling XC type air expansion differential shaft? There are two main reasons:
1. Technology can not reach the corresponding level
The precision and sensitivity of XC differential shaft are very high, so the requirements for production technology are also very high;c

2. XC differential shaft is not widely used as other types of bearings.
XC differential shaft is mainly used in the coiling of precious metals, the production of new film materials, etc. For cost considerations, businesses will use other bearings.
Junheng machinery has professional XC type air expansion differential shaft production technology, can meet the customer's order or purchase requirements, if necessary, welcome to consult.
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