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What are the common types of failures of air expansion shaft accessories used in machine tool?

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2017-02-21 17:52:03【large middle-sized small

Take the air expansion shaft fittings of lathe as an example, the types of common failures of typical machine tools are as follows:

1, aft that spindle motor is started, release a starting button to stop the motor;

2, press that stop button of the air expansion shaft, and the main shaft motor M1 does not stop;

3. Press down the spindle motor start button SB1, the motor gives out a buzzing sound and cannot be started;

4, that spindle motor cannot be star;

5. The automatic electric leakage switch of the expansion shaft cannot be closed;

6. All three motors cannot start.


Effective understanding of the possible failure of the air expansion shaft fittings can not only improve the work efficiency, but also reduce the capital cost, and make full use of the inflatable shaft to save a lot of tedious work in the work. Its reliable and stable working performance can also bring customers the phenomenon of realizing high-end products.
