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How much can the bearing capacity of the air expansion shaft accessories reach?

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2017-02-25 14:16:29【large middle-sized small

When it comes to the use of air expansion shaft, it is considerable, so how much is its bearing capacity.


Can be roughly divided into two, one is to carry the weight of the shaft body, if in the state of overweight, then he will bend the shaft itself or even break;


The other thing that we would say is affordability is the expansion of the air bearing pressure, the weight can be inflated because it basically swells up. So, in most cases, we are talking about the ability to support the weight of the body in the manner of an inflatable air bearing shaft.


Usually this type of shaft working principle is very simple, as long as the gas nozzle with air alignment shaft, parts will show the effect, and then press the mouth of the slide release switch, the key bar will change back to the original appearance.


Among them, the advantages of the air expansion shaft are also very obvious, one is the time period of inflation, the separation and agility of the inflatable nozzle and the gas strength equipment can ensure that the change of gas pressure can be completed within three seconds.


In terms of load bearing, this kind of shaft can be adjusted to a certain extent, according to the actual production load demand, the size of the shaft diameter will be determined, and the data of the shaft itself can also accept a certain degree of pressure and load.
