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How to check whether the air expansion shaft is in abnormal operation?

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2017-02-17 17:52:51【large middle-sized small

1. External sudden power failure test: When the equipment is running, the external sudden power failure can reliably stop the air expansion shaft, and the equipment can be restored to normal operation through the specified operation mode.


2. Emergency break test: The emergency break operation can also detect the abnormal operation of the gas expansion shaft.


 3. Defect test of detection switch: In consideration of the poor possibility of system detection switch, especially the parts that are easy to collide with machinery and affect safety, it is necessary to ensure that even if a certain detection switch is damaged, no safety accident will occur.


 4. Bad test of actuating elements: The possibility of bad elements is also easy to cause mechanical collision, so it is necessary to ensure that no safety accidents will occur while carrying out abnormal test.


5. Protection circuit action test: It is also a part of abnormal operation test for circuit breakers, automatic switches and other protection devices.
