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Briefly on the understanding of XC type air expansion differential shaft

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2017-02-15 17:57:23【large middle-sized small

 The characteristics of the XC type air expansion differential shaft are mainly suitable for the slitting equipment with higher product quality requirements and higher speed. The biggest feature is the special segment of the inflatable shaft, independent skid and torque setting structure, improve product quality and efficiency.

    There are also many kinds of differential shafts, including central air pressure slip shaft, start locking type central air pressure slip shaft, pneumatic side pressure type slip shaft, mechanical side pressure slip ring and air expansion shaft.

   With the continuous progress of people's living standards and the development of science and technology, higher and higher requirements are put forward for flexible packaging products. Differential shaft is also widely used in plastic film (electronic, capacitors, battery film, fresh-keeping film, packaging, composite film, etc.);Metal foil (copper foil, aluminum foil, etc.);A paper roll;Slitting and rolling.
