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Regarding the adjustment method for the use of XC differential shaft to prevent friction from increasing

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2016-06-01 15:09:01【large middle-sized small




 With the rotating bearing properties of the rotating steel parts, it is possible to avoid the phenomenon of easy loosening caused by the cylinder, then the metal adjustment design process in the installation control program of the component can meet the performance of the rotating engineering and the compression capacity is more stable. The technology has adjusted the rotation engineering to not cause wear and deformation, so the high-speed adjustment of the air expansion shaft can increase the technical process of fast rotation.

   Point 1: High degree of adaptability

   In order to avoid the turnover technology of automatic rotation in the whole process, the application of the XC differential shaft can improve the compression effect of the rotary circulation engineering of components of steel fittings, and can increase the technical engineering of high-precision telescopic circulation and high sliding in different structural attributes.


   Second point: edge bearing design aid connection solidity

   By controlling the principle of supporting fittings in the designed main trunk line, the situation that the auxiliary rotating steel is not easy to slide and loosen can be increased, and the technical adjustment principle point that the process support in the bearing rotation is more fixed is increased.
