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The method of maintaining and controlling the compression capacity of XC differential shaft without deviation

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2016-05-26 11:15:18【large middle-sized small

 In the technical process of rotating steel, the rotating property generates the condition of friction rust, so under the control of the material rotating link, the shape of the steel with larger compression can be improved, and the effect of large conditioning area in the accessory supporting rotating delay process is satisfied.



  Point 1: Flipping without flab

  For in the operation of the rotary engineering, it is necessary in different precise position of the operating pressure, can avoid the whole process of sliding occurs force wear, so in the process of accessories to increase the sliding higher and faster speed adjustment.


  The second point: to avoid the expansion of steel

  The XC differential shaft maintenance can be adjusted according to the magnitude of the designed pressure in the steel moving process of the bearing force, so that the control center pressure of different main body steel is increased, and the effect of compression of fittings, special production process and large circulation is satisfied.
