Fully understand the curve inclination method of Maintenance improvement of XC differential shaft
Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2016-06-07 10:03:00【large
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In order to increase the processing of bearing operation technology in steel parts rotation, it is necessary to properly adjust the smooth effect of different bearing classification fittings wear, can control the moving bearing classification rotation will not be too large, so in the bearing support bearing, can through the sliding of different steel wires, to improve the XC differential shaft maintenance working time longer method.
The first point: the compression of bearing lines is strong
XC differential shaft maintenance increases the durability of the transfer fitting by repeated rotation of the auxiliary steel, and increases the fixed bearing curve sliding easily-movable classification material for maintaining good vibration function at both ends.
Point 2: Design principles to prevent distortion
According to the welding process in the bearing, it can increase the maintenance of the technical process, the principle of large sliding, increase the engineering of electroplating molecular height, increase the bonding area to bear the advantages of more accurate shape method.
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