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Guangzhou Junheng Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd

Mobile:13724052386 Mr Yin


Address: No. 7, Zhengli Street, Dongcun Industrial Zone, Shawan Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou city

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Talking about the Causes of Plate-type Air Expansion and Winding Condition[ 2020-12-01 ]
The plate-type air expansion shaftexpands the entire plate, the fulcrums are evenly dispersed, and the force is even. It can be used for winding precision
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What are the characteristics of plate air expansion shaft?[ 2020-12-01 ]
XC differential shaft purpose is mainly used for relatively light quality, relatively thinner materials and a relatively small area. The plate-type differential
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How to replace the slip ring of XC differential shaft fittings?[ 2020-12-01 ]
The slip ring is an important part of the XC differential shaft. Once the slip ring fails, it will affect the use of the entire differential shaft. How to repla
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What parameters need to be provided for customized XC differential shaft?[ 2020-12-01 ]
The customization of XC differential shaft is a relatively long process, so the parameters provided by the subscribers must be complete and accurate to avoid un
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What should I do if the air leakage of XC differential shaft inflatable seal unit?[ 2020-12-01 ]
The XC differential shaft is composed of multiple inflatable sealing units. What should I do when a single sealing unit leak? Let's first understand the struct
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What is the use of XC differential shaft, do you know?[ 2020-12-01 ]
西村式滑差轴是一种著名的滑差轴,最先由日本研发生产。由于价格比较昂贵,使用相对没有那么普遍。那么,你知道西村式滑差轴用途是什么吗? 虽然使用相对没有那么普遍,但是西村式
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What are the main aspects of the maintenance of the XC differential shaft?[ 2020-12-01 ]
西村式滑差轴又叫分条机滑差轴和锂电池西村式滑差轴。西村式滑差轴精密度高,所以维修会比较困难。西村式滑差轴维修主要包括以下几个方面: 1、滑差单元的更换滑差单元是指滑
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What is the advantage of XC differential shaft manufacturer?[ 2020-12-01 ]
With the rapid development of my country's economy, the differential shaft machinery industry has become a necessity in people's daily life. However, with p
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