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What are the characteristics of plate air expansion shaft?

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2020-12-01 18:23:40【large middle-sized small

XC differential shaft purpose is mainly used for relatively light quality, relatively thinner materials and a relatively small area. The plate-type differential shaft belongs to the more traditional air expansion shaft series with different specialties:

1. The plate-type air expansion shaft is a kind of air expansion shaft. It mainly uses the expansion of the slats and distributes them at different fulcrums to achieve the function of uniform force slitting and winding.


2. The expansion height of the plate-type air expansion shaft is 4~5mm , the overall volume of the slat-type air expansion shaft is relatively large, and the length can also be adjusted according to requirements.


3. Scope of use

The friction force of the plate-type air expansion shaft is proportional to the length of the slats, which can wind electronic materials, cloth, paper towels, foamed cotton and other materials of moderate quality, and the plate-type air expansion shaft has high precision.


Plate-type air expansion shafts are widely used, and their use and maintenance are relatively simple.