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What are the main aspects of the maintenance of the XC differential shaft?

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2020-12-01 18:17:05【large middle-sized small

XC differential shaft is also called slitting machine differential shaft and XCdifferential shaft of lithium battery. XC differential shaft has high precision, so maintenance will be more difficult. Maintenance of XC differential shaftmainly includes the following aspects:

1. Replacement of slip unit

The slip unit refers to the inflatable unit on the differential shaft. The difference between the XC differential shaft and the ordinary inflatable unit is that it is composed of several precise and short slip units. Due to the high precision, the disassembly is easy to damage other parts, so the ordinary XC differential shaft maintenance directly replaces the damaged slip unit;


2. Replacement of slip spindle

Although the lubrication between the slip unit of the XC differential shaft and the main shaft is good, it is inevitable that the main shaft will wear out after long-term use;


3. Maintenance of inflatable machinery

This is a necessary accessory for the use of the differential shaft, so its maintenance can also be included in the maintenance of the XC differential shaft.


For the maintenance of XC differential shafts, find professional XC differential shaft maintenance professionals.