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What is the use of XC differential shaft, do you know?

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2020-12-01 18:17:22【large middle-sized small

XC differential shaft is a well-known differential shaft, first developed and produced by Japan. Because the price is relatively expensive, the use is relatively less common. So, do you know what the XC differential shaft is used for?


Although the use is relatively not so common, but the XC differential shaft is widely used. According to the working principle, the XC differential shaft is a central pneumatic differential shaft. Through pneumatic slip and pneumatic locking, it can realize fully automatic and efficient work.XC differential shafts are used to perfectly demonstrate their advantages in the rewinding of metal films, electronic films or other extremely thin materials. Therefore, the use of XC differential shaft is mainly in the production of lithium batteries and the efficient and accurate work of slitting machines and slitting machines.


The high performance of the XC differential shaft can still ensure that the core does not shift, loose, or jam when the material is reversed. The use of XC differential shafts is also of indelible significance for the development and production of new films.


Another great advantage of XC differential shaft is that it can control the output of the friction of the differential shaft in a wide range. In other words, the frictional force of the differential shaft can be adjusted.