What is the advantage of XC differential shaft manufacturer?
With the rapid development of my country's economy, the differential shaft machinery industry has become a necessity in people's daily life. However, with people's pursuit of perfection, the differential shaft has become more and more convenient.
The differential shaft of the XC differential shaft manufacturer is mainly divided into three parts: shaft, slip sleeve and compression spring adjustment mechanism. Its winding performance determines the performance of the slitting machine. At present, my country's machinery companies use differential shafts. It mainly adjusts the torque of each slip sleeve on the shaft through the compression force of the spring adjustment mechanism at both ends of the shaft, so that the two ends of the shaft can transmit pressure. However, the pressure of each slip sleeve is not uniform. Therefore, the torque force of each slip sleeve cannot be fully adjusted with the change in tension required for the change of the slitting material. If the relative sliding between the slip sleeves is not good, it is easy to produce uneven winding, broken strips, loose winding, unwinding, etc., resulting in material loss, and the winding speed will drop sharply. Affect work efficiency. Therefore, the XC differential shaft not only avoids material loss, but also avoids breakage, unwinding, and unwinding caused by uneven material thickness, and the winding speed is also very high.
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