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Talking about the maintenance method of the XC differential shaft

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2020-12-01 18:33:10【large middle-sized small


In the daily printing technology process, a larger copy work can be added in the technical engineering principle of rotation, so in the rotation function of different rotation technology engineering, the effect of increasing the rotation force of the metal compression capacity can be increased , It promotes the situation that no abrasion occurs in the control pressure of printing, and increases the situation that no abrasion occurs in the cleaning process of the ink.



First: adjustment of compression capacity

  The use of the XC differential shafthas passed the control program of the continuous rotation of the machine, which can increase the effect of the running-in technology of the rotation to accelerate the process, and increase the serious wear and tear in the printing control effect of the ink. A large program for adjusting metal carving in steel.



Second: Regular cleaning of bearings

  Through the cleaning process of circulating engineering pressure, the effect of high mechanical rotation pressure can be increased, so in the adjusted engineering filtration technology process, the bearing can be promoted to reduce ink drying or dust residue.



Third: regular polishing

 The use of XC differential shaftin the principle of production technology processing of protection work, which can increase the effect of the forced clean compression program and effectively control the phenomenon that the printing technology is easy to break in the stretch.