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About the benefits of the high friction pressure of the XC differential shaft

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2020-12-01 18:32:31【large middle-sized small

 In the specifications for the installation of mechanical parts, it is necessary to increase the method of automatic shrinkage function, which increases the increase in the circulation of digital or pressure steel control, and promotes that it is not easy to lose control in the sliding steel. In the process of sliding expansion and contraction of the air expansion shaft, the phenomenon that the control bears large gravity can be reduced, and the safety of the usability is greatly improved.



 First: Prevent defects and wear


  The XC differential shaftcan withstand the adjustment of different control capabilities in the compression project of the spring steel process, and has greater circulation, which meets the situation that the sliding force is not easy to loosen, and increases the airflow in the installation. Specifications are more secure adjustment degree.



 Second: casing accessories support


  The technology of repairing technology using accessories is added, which can improve the more flexible method of using production technology in rotation, and can improve the more professional service effect of high-tech technology in the innovative technology.



Third: Protect the rotation of steel


  The XC differential shaftcan protect the technical rotation or the process of the air expansion shaft from abrasion of parts in accordance with the mechanically adjusted impact pressure . For the technical engineering of maintenance, the robustness of the principle of parts rotation and maintenance can be increased.