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What is the difference between the imported XC differential shaft and the domestic one?

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2017-05-23 18:20:59【large middle-sized small

Speaking of XC differential shaft, there are imported and domestic, consumers often do not know the difference between them when buying. Next, XC Differential Shaft Manufacturer will simply say:03.jpg

The XC differential shaft is developed and produced by Japan, that is to say, its origin is Japan. We all know that Japan and Germany are two countries that are extremely demanding on production details, and the accuracy of their products is quite high, even some other countries can not achieve in the production process. 
In the production of XC differential shaft, Japan still upholds the original rigorous attitude, and the requirements for each accessory are quite high. The structure of XC differential shaft is relatively complex, it is composed of slip ring, sealing ring, slip shaft piston and other accessories. Moreover, these three parts require the highest accuracy and are the most difficult to produce. 
Therefore, because of the difficulty of accuracy, XC differential shaft is expensive and relatively difficult to maintain when it is just put into use in China. With the continuous improvement of domestic production technology, XC differential shaft can be produced in China. 
Now, the imported XC differential shaft is still relatively better than the domestic one in accuracy, but the domestic XC differential shaft also has the advantages of high cost performance and relatively simple maintenance, which is recognized by consumers. 