Application of XC Type Sliding Differential Shaft in Slitter
Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2017-05-22 18:37:14【large
middle-sized small】
As the name implies, slitting machine is a machine that slits strip material into a number of strips. So how does the slitter slice the strip material evenly and quickly into strips? The XC type differential shaft of the slitter is indispensable:

1. The slitting machine uses the principle of constant tension to control the change of the roll diameter during the operation of the load. So the ability of the slip differential shaft has a great influence on the operation of the separator;
2. The application of the slitting machine in the slitting of the film material. The performance of the axis determines whether the application is successful or not;
3. The development of the XC sliding differential shaft of the slitting machine enables the slitting machine to be applied to more industries, so that it can reach the technical level of speed and accuracy.
Different materials, surface tension will be a big difference, so the need for different types of XC sliding differential shaft. The XC sliding differential shaft is one of the core technologies of the slitter.
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