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How long is the service life of the air expansion shaft?

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2017-03-03 17:54:12【large middle-sized small

Many places in life will be applied to the use of air expansion shaft, if the service life of air expansion shaft once improved, to a certain extent, will also greatly reduce the user's maintenance and consumption of production costs. 

  Because of the long service life of the air expansion shaft itself, the damage rate of the shaft itself decreases, which also reduces the outage rate of the unit itself in the whole production process, resulting in the reduction of bad products from customers. 
  The air expansion shaft is made of specially processed pipe, so the stability of the material in use overcomes certain common defects such as deformation, bending and so on.

   The stable operation function of the air expansion shaft brings customers the practice of high-end products.

   In a number of large and small mechanical equipment can see the use of air expansion shaft, such as printing machinery, coating machinery, leather machinery, embossing machinery, slitting machinery, die-cutting rewinding machinery, paper machinery and equipment, bag-making machinery and equipment, mechanical equipment, laminating mechanical equipment, blown film mechanical equipment and paper-making machinery and facilities, non-woven and fabric inspection machine will be used air expansion shaft.