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XC differential shaft manufacturer talk about: What are the main methods for the detection of air expansion sleeve?

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2017-03-02 18:02:45【large middle-sized small

The expansion sleeve can also be called the expansion sleeve or the expansion sleeve of the expansion shaft, and is mainly applied to the retraction and release of related machinery such as coating, printing, rewinding, paper making, plastic and the like. 

When the machine tool electric appears uncertain fault, what kind of inspection method should we choose, now and XC differential shaft manufacturer to discuss together: 
 Voltage method: also known as voltage measurement method, refers to the use of external measurement of the voltage value of a point on the circuit to determine the size of the machine tool electrical fault point or component defects. 
 Resistance method: the use of surface measurement of a certain point on the line or a component of the on-off to determine the fault point. 
 Short circuit method: The method of connecting two isoelectric points on a machine tool with a wire to determine the scale of the fault point or the defect point. 
  Open circuit method: In the maintenance of machine tool circuit, sometimes need to break the circuit to check the method. 
  Amperometry: a method of determining the point of failure by measuring whether the current flowing through a circuit is normal. 