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A brief discussion on the method of adjusting compression friction stability of XC differential shaft accessories

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2016-09-09 09:11:13【large middle-sized small

 In the design specification of the fittings installed in the machine, the effect of controlling the friction pressure by flexibly sliding the contraction pressure can be improved, the power of controlling the rotating pressure to be stable in the rotating process of the fittings made of steel can be promoted, and the stability efficiency of the processing friction performance of the parts can be increased in the rotating process of a fitting bearing. It also promotes the degree of balance that can control friction and maintain tension in adjusting the saturation of air pressure.

     First: The impact balance force of tracheal air pressure

    XC differential shaft fittings in different compression performance to adjust the pressure, is able to meet the up and down rotation program to control the effect of large pressure, to promote the bearing pressure in the support point can increase the sliding performance. The smoothness of the compression rotation friction can be improved.


    Second: frequency of bearing rotation

    For the ability to control high precision pressure friction, it can avoid the loose and inflexible situation of accessories. So in the process of adjusting the bearing rotation under pressure, it is necessary to effectively promote and improve the frequency of bearing rotation, but to avoid the unstable situation of sliding compression capacity with regularity.
