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XC differential shaft repair: how to deal with the worn parts is better?

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2016-07-21 18:35:34【large middle-sized small




     For the mechanical running bearings and sliding bearings in operation, in the normal use of the use of differential shaft friction function, for the pressure is too large or not in the degree of perfection, for the sliding differential ring accessories in the working principle of the differential shaft importance, then for friction in the pressure, wear parts should be how to deal with is the most appropriate?

First: serious excessive to re-install.

     In the process of maintenance of XC differential shaft, the degree of wear will greatly affect the working principle of slip differential shaft. Therefore, in order to run smoothly and without affecting the situation, serious wear and tear can be replaced by new accessories, so as to re-run the device.

econd: deal with the inspection level

      When the differential shaft wear should be checked for dust or oil, such as too much dirty degree will affect the wear. So in order to improve the operation function. In peacetime, it should be cleaned regularly and maintained with lubricants.
