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Discussion on the Causes of Air Leakage of Air Expansion Shaft

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2016-06-28 11:30:31【large middle-sized small

An air expansion shaft is used for retracting and retracting reels, and its working principle has always been the same. To maintain a constant tension of the pull force, so as to meet a variety of strict process a large number of copies of fast and legible handwriting results. Can control the durability characteristics on the rotation, if the air expansion shaft fails, it is detected to be leakage, then we skillfully understand the cause of leakage?



1: There is a gap in the sealing ring, which should be sealed on the sealant immediately according to this situation to prevent serious airflow from leaking again.


2. The inflation nozzle is partially leaking. At this time, check whether the inflation nozzle is leaking due to rupture. If the inflation nozzle cannot be used again, it should be replaced and installed again.


3: Looseness problem, should check whether the pressure ring is loose, such as loose, just tighten it. Usually, we should pay more attention to whether there is loosening.


4. If the hose is broken, it is possible that the hose itself has a quality problem, so it is necessary to remove the shaft head and replace it with a new hose.
