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Brief Discussion on the Malfunction Occurred in the Use of XC Differential Shaft

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2016-06-27 12:03:31【large middle-sized small

Differential shaft is also referred to as friction shaft, his work is in the cutting machine reel and reel, and in the process of installation, according to its characteristics in the sliding principle of the speed increase. A good effect can be obtained. In this way, the main accessories on the slitting machine are also the main auxiliary function effect. So in the process of using for a long time, occasionally there will be faults, what kind of faults will there be?

First: Causes the machine to run slowly
If the machine runs slowly during operation, you can check whether it is caused by the slip shaft. If the slip shaft is rusted, we should use safe and reliable acidic chemicals to clean the rust. The higher the concentration, the faster the rust can be solved.


Second: rewinding and unwinding can not keep constant tension

The working principle of XC differential shaft is a very important part in the use of machine slitter, and its role is very important. If there is a problem in winding and unwinding, it should be checked whether the tension is too large, which leads to the damage and scrap of the material, and the tension can not be maintained. Should deal with the replacement of tension, as far as possible to maintain the balance of strength.

