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Use the XC differential shaft winding effect is more perfect

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2020-12-01 15:05:04【large middle-sized small


 XC differential shaft is the same as air expansion shaft, are used as the rolling of the product, but the effect of slip winding shaft, winding even better effect, the end faces neat, high concentricity, can be segmented winding, fully compensate the air expansion shaft because the status quo cannot afford the mixed product after rewinding is not high concentricity caused. 


 The use of the XC differential shaft improves the speed, winding accuracy, automation, preparation time, and humanization of the slitting machine. More in particular poor tensile properties, thick cast polyethylene error aliphatic thin material using differential shaft, the difficulty of rolling is reduced. The application of differential shaft winding of precious material metal foil greatly improves the rate of authenticity and reduces production costs.  


Special paper is the earliest application of this technology. It can be seen that the differential shaft has been used very early in the processing and production of high-end products. At the same time, until now, only high-end products have the cost to use this high-quality product. Overall is slip-axis is the air expansion shaft higher level of product, or even replace air expansion shaft has become a major use of high-quality products in the future.