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XC differential shaft manufacturers analyze how many types of differential shafts are there?

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2020-12-01 15:02:56【large middle-sized small


There are many types of differential shafts, but in general, they can be divided into three types: XC differential shafts, mechanical differential shafts, and pneumatic differential shafts. XC differential shaft manufacturers will introduce in detail:

XC differential shaft: central pneumatic differential shaft, pneumatic locking, pneumatic slip. Improve accuracy, performance, torque accuracy, and precise control of tension within the range of hitting. Suitable for automatic loading slip material roll axis, to ensure timing when the reversal of the core does not shift, not loose. 


It is most suitable for short axis use, and it shows its excellent performance when winding metal foil, copper foil, and aluminum foil. Nishimura's special form: It can also achieve extremely low friction tension, and is applied to the slitting of the thinnest PET film and electronic film.  


 Pneumatic differential shaft: The rotational torque between the slip ring and the core of this differential shaft is achieved by adjusting the air pressure in the main shaft, thereby controlling the core driven by each slip ring, thereby Solve the rewinding problem caused by uneven tension caused by the difference in coil thickness. Because it is a special sealed and pressurized method, there is no rubber airbag in the main body, and almost no maintenance is required.




Mechanical differential shaft: From this type of differential shaft, the art slip ring has two rows of ball convex keys. When the six in a row are coiled at a certain force, the convex keys between the core and the slip ring can always maintain the roundness and concentricity of the core degrees; the other 6 balls are all raised to make the core swell tight. At the beginning of coiling, as the tension of the coil increases, the axial pressure is set, and the diameter of the coil is different due to the uneven thickness of the paper. Once the pressure is greater than the set pressure, slippage occurs, so as to achieve the balance of tension between the slitting rolls.