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Design advantages of XC air expansion differential shaft

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2020-12-01 15:07:00【large middle-sized small

 Are XC air expansion differential shafts technically advantageous?

1. Save work time: It only takes about 3 seconds to separate and place the reel tube to complete the inflation and deflation action, without disassembling any part of the shaft end side, the reel tube can be bitten tightly. 


2. The roller tube is placed simple: inflated and deflated operation, mobile and fixed roller tube at any position of the shaft of the reel surface.


 3. Economical and efficient: The design of the air expansion shaft is a full-function type, which can be used for all types of thick, thin, wide and narrow coils.


 4. Simple maintenance and long service life: The pneumatic reel is a combination of single parts. Each part in its structure has a fixed specification, and all can be disassembled and combined. The parts are strictly inspected by the factory and are durable. 


5. Wide range of applications: independent design, from 1 inch to 12 inches, used for slitting, printing, rewinding, coating, laminating, bag making, paper making and other industrial equipment or other related center rolls with higher torque and bearing weight and taken to transmit the material with mechanical mating use.