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The advantages of increased friction and stability of the XC differential shaft in Guangzhou

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2020-12-01 17:37:52【large middle-sized small
 In the mechanical rotation engineering, it is necessary to control the stability force in the design of different mechanical structures. For the design principle of the construction or the effect of the increase in the compression ratio of the spring, the rotation bearing area at both ends can be improved. The design type controls the effect of greater pressure, which can control the situation that defects are not prone to occur in different friction parts.




 First: drive technology rotation


 The XC differential shaft is added to the fixed structural parts, which can increase the function of increasing the rotation pressure of the parts of different bearings, and can control the phenomenon of rust or uneven control points in the friction preheating link, has become the durability in different rotation control.


 Second: adjust the amount of speed


  Different bearing pressures can avoid errors caused by the driving steel. Therefore, in the high-speed adjustment, it is necessary to control the speed and swelling of the steel. The process stability at different high speeds must be adjusted, and the construction design has been increased. The effect of strong principle.

  Third: bearing support sliding point


  In the adjustment pressure of the bearing, the XC differential shaft can avoid the deformation of the bearing design, so it has a high circulation effect in the rotation of various accessories, so it can increase the structure control to withstand movement without deviation phenomenon.