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Structure and composition of XC differential shaft of slitting machine

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2020-12-01 15:09:44【large middle-sized small




For the structure of the XC differential shaft of the slitting machine, many people still don’t understand it. In fact, the differential shaft is an important part of the slitting machine. For rewinding or rewinding, the main reason for choosing this kind of bearing is that the slip ring on the differential shaft can make the material of the reel maintain constant tension all the time, so that it can be easily rewinding and unwinding.


 Because the reel of the slitting machine is the multi-reel material after slitting the material, it is evenly, neatly and constantly wound on one or two shafts. However, due to the influence of many factors, there will be some errors in the back room of various materials, and the errors will become larger if they are coiled. As a result, the coiling speed difference of each strip is greater, and the tension difference is greater, which affects the quality of the material after slitting.


 The differential shaft is composed of many slip rings, and this structure has a very good set of solutions to these problems. When the differential shaft is in working condition, the slip ring will be controlled to slip with a certain slip torque value, and the amount of slip can just compensate for the resulting speed difference, so that the tension of each roll of material can be accurately Control, the quality of the coiling can be guaranteed.