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Briefly understand what are the main forms of the XC differential shaft?

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2020-12-01 15:35:50【large middle-sized small



Differential type air expansion shaft is mainly used for slitting equipment with higher quality requirements and faster speed. I carefully discovered in life that there is more than one type of XC differential shaft, it also has many forms:


 1. Central pneumatic differential shaft: It is a tension-adjustable differential shaft, and the slip ring slips independently. Controlled by the tension system, a certain pressure of compressed air is passed to the shaft core, so that the shaft core generates friction torque between the friction part and the slip ring, so as to achieve constant tension winding. 


2. Pneumatic side pressure differential shaft: its principle and structure are similar to mechanical side pressure slip rewinding.


3. Mechanical side pressure slip ring: mainly composed of a mandrel and a plurality of slip rings sleeved on the mandrel. However, its biggest disadvantage is that it cannot achieve tension adjustment during the winding process. 


4. Air expansion shaft: is a multi-volume receipt cylindrical core fixed in an air expansion shaft , and with the torque motor drive shaft or by a combination of receipt magnetic clutch motor and drive shaft receipt, the material on the surface of the winding shaft The line speed is synchronized with the host computer to complete the multi-winding function.