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Air expansion shaft repair-what should I do if the air expansion shaft leaks?

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2020-12-01 15:33:34【large middle-sized small





The air expansion shaft is a special winding and unwinding shaft, that is, the shaft whose surface can be protruding after high-pressure inflation, and the surface part of the shaft is quickly retracted after deflation.


 1. If the hose is broken, there may be quality problems in the hose itself, and the shaft head needs to be removed and replaced with a hose.


 2. There is a gap in the sealing ring. In this case, the sealant needs to be sealed.


3. The pressure ring is loose, just tighten the pressure ring, pay attention to always observe whether there is looseness.


4. Part of the inflator nozzle is leaking, and then replace it and install it again.