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What are the advantages of the air expansion shaft?

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2017-03-14 16:39:45【large middle-sized small
The application of air expansion shaft is very extensive, so what is the reason for the frequent use of it, let's talk about its several major advantages embodied in the bar.

1. Short Operation Time: It only takes 2 seconds to complete the action of inflation and deflation, which is simple, convenient and safe to use, and all the machines and equipment used only for winding and unwinding use the air expansion shaft.

2. Large carrying capacity: According to the design of the actual model, the use of high-quality steel can increase the carrying capacity.

3. Economical and efficient: The design is suitable for all kinds of coiled tubes with different thickness and width according to the actual work requirements.

4. Long service life and simple maintenance: each part has fixed specifications, can be used interchangeably, and is also convenient for maintenance.

5. Single accessories: the parts of the air expansion shaft can be disassembled and combined to be durable.

6. Professional: Professional engineers and technicians design, install and use the inflatable shaft and conduct market research.
