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Simply understand how to increase the capacity of the air expansion shaft

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2016-11-17 18:11:14【large middle-sized small


Air expansion shaft as an independent design of parts, from 1 inch to 12 inches, the length and size are determined by the actual needs of customers, there are slitting, printing, rewinding, coating, laminating, bag making, paper making and so on. The design of the shaft is required by actual work, and can be applied to various types of coiled tubes such as thick, thin, wide and narrow tubes.


    Air expansion shaft discharge does not require the entire shaft to be removed. After the direct deflation, the material can be taken away, because its width is not large, so the natural operation is more convenient. This is also a lot of light weight material, the width of the machine selected by the air expansion shaft.


    The air expansion shaft has the function of balancing the stress pressure so as to evenly distribute the pressure. The air expansion shaft is mainly designed with high-quality steel, so it can be adjusted according to the need to increase its load capacity.
