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How to use the air expansion shaft function to the greatest extent?

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2020-12-01 18:25:55【large middle-sized small





     For many people, they know the function ofair expansion shaft,if there is in the winding, unwinding, slitting machine, may be all suitable for air expansion shaft . But its functions are far more than these. This statement is just a general statement for its functions. In fact, it has many functions, mainly depending on how people dig out and how to use it to the maximum?

    1. Long service life: Long service life not only saves the cost of the air expansion shaft, but also saves labor. The most important point is to ensure the normal use of the shaft to avoid the trouble of maintenance and replacement, and to ensure the productivity of the enterprise.


2. Easy to use: This can avoid the trouble of spending too much time on training operators for the enterprise. It is easy to learn and it will take a lot of time.


3, Air expansion shaftwide range of functional applications: almost all industries are able to get applications, and it has different sizes to suit different applications in the industry, the more common sizes 1 - 12 inches, can also according to customer Demand and advanced order.