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Method for controlling friction increase of XC differential shaft of lithium battery

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2020-12-01 18:30:50【large middle-sized small







 The high-speed rotation of the machine will affect the sliding condition of the machine. Therefore, in the adjustment process of controlling the strength, the effect of using accessories in the rotation attribute can be satisfied, and the rotation in the adjustment composition area of ​​the seal is increased. The effect of high pressure protects engineering adjustments in different alignments and avoids the phenomenon of high friction bearing pressure.



The first point: the advantage of large control error


   The XC differential shaft of the lithium battery satisfies the need to pass the alignment technology in the bearing during the adjustment of the rotation pressure link, and protects the production process of different parts from moving deviations. Therefore, the frictional rotation control strength is To improve the design effect of non-slip and high pressure.



The second point: the rotation design principle of fastening


  In the projects of different transformation foundations, the design method of modification in different accessory technologies can be adopted to meet the design effect of increasing pressure to control preheating, and to protect the fast rotation speed in the adjustment area. The phenomenon of fracture.