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Talk about the method of how XC differential shaft parts increase the sliding speed and the stable operation

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2020-12-01 15:41:45【large middle-sized small

For the stable speed of the compression friction technology of the mechanical rotating bearing, it is possible to increase the adjustment speed of the increase and decrease control , and there will be a stable support force, which will promote the smooth sliding of the rotating shaft and will have more regularity and increase In the parts processing program, it can drive the expansion and contraction range and increase the impact strength of the pressure, and improve the flexibility of the installation auxiliary function of the steel parts . The gap between the rotation and the sliding can have a stable effect.


    First: the strong resistance of steel parts


     XC differential shaft accessories belong to the installation firmness of steel accessories in the selected material, and can promote the sliding compression control of the slip ring and have a stable speed, which improves the overall bearing rotation the frequency and smoothness control the degree of slipping and compression ability. It is possible to increase the strength of the steel accessories and have the resistance to prevent wear.

    Second: increase the fullness of the air pressure

     Regarding the pressure support compression rotation link, it can increase the ability of high friction and precision, and it can also avoid the looseness or inflexibility of the auxiliary function of the steel accessories. Therefore, the support for sufficient air pressure the slip ring can increase the speed in slipping and also have stable operation ability.