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XC differential shaft Manufacturer: Advantages of XC differential shaft

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2020-12-01 14:45:56【large middle-sized small

There are many types of differential shafts, and many people have doubts about the choice of differential shafts. In fact, the XC differential shaft is more famous and has better performance at this stage.



First: XC differential shaft has been successfully applied to the slitting roll of lithium battery separator, lithium battery pole piece, power battery pole piece, ultra-low tension PET film, electronic film, metal foil, copper foil, and aluminum foil. Take and wait for the process to go, and continue to develop and mature.

Second: It has ultra-low tension differential shaft and extremely low friction tension, which is used for slitting the thinnest (10μ) PET film and electronic film.


Third: XC’s special ultra-narrow slip ring, which can achieve a width of 20mm , is used for slitting and winding of the narrowest film ( 10mm ) , providing indispensable technical support in the processing and production of narrow films.

Fourth: XC’s double air channel XC differential shaft , with continuous and precise control from very low tension to a wide range of tension . This is of great significance to assembly line automatic production.

To sum up, the XC differential shaft represents the exquisite workmanship and technological progress of the differential shaft to a certain extent, and it has great significance in design, development and production technology.