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Analysis on how to reduce the cost of the XC air expansion differential shaft in the production process

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2020-12-01 14:55:25【large middle-sized small


Modern society has more and more urgent requirements for resources, and many resources cannot be exploited and used by human beings. Therefore, how to save energy and dedicate some resources to the earth has become a problem everyone should pay attention to. XC air expansion differential shaft is a device that is often used in daily life, so how can the cost be reduced in the production process?

1. Thick texture and material

    When selecting materials for the XC air expansion differential shaft product design, it is exempted from the selection of high-name textures that cause excess product functions. At the same time, under the premise of meeting the requirements of the product and process, try to select the texture and materials used in the existing mass-produced models It is thick and constitutes a material platform, facilitating subsequent procurement and storage supervision.

2. the selection of plate thickness deviation


    The thickness of the plate of the air expansion differential shaft has deviation requirements. Usually, within the approved range of deviation, the deviation plate should be selected first to save the purchase cost.

3. the selection of sheet roll width

     Among the steel models of XC air expansion differential shafts, whether it is a fixed-length plate or a coiled plate, the same texture and thick material have different coil widths and different agent unit prices. Therefore, in order to reduce costs, it is necessary to pay attention to the statutory purchase of roll width, and the air expansion shaft will try its best to elect a roll width range without price increase under the premise of ensuring the utilization of materials.