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XC differential shaft manufacturers share the current market situation of XC differential shafts

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2020-12-01 16:06:48【large middle-sized small

In the wide application of differential shafts, it becomes frictional in the application field of mechanical equipment. In the bearing rotation engineering according to the shaft center, the friction function of controlling the speed can be added, which can promote the parts processing engineering the stability of the effect. Therefore, in the mechanical adjustment pressure of the accessories, the speed of the processing rotation can also be controlled according to the design axis of the sliding, and the working principle of the sliding axis can promote the processing of the material more perfect. And how does the usability belonging to major industries support it in the market today?


First: improve the rate of authenticity


     For differential shafts that are frequently used, and in the process of higher and higher requirements for current packaging, the stretch resistance and thickness accuracy in the production process are exquisite. For the winding of the differential shaft, the function can increase the material perfection during the sliding friction process of the axis, and it can increase the authenticity rate of the packaged products.

Second: reduce production costs


     In the XC differential shaft manufacturer, by controlling the rotation speed of the air pressure, the size of the friction can be adjusted to improve the refinement of the material, so the difficulty of the material operation can be reduced, and the convenience of the use can be reduced. Advantages of production costs.