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Talking about the appropriate adjustment speed of the key type differential shaft in the XC differential shaft?

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2020-12-01 16:10:18【large middle-sized small

For the working principle of the differential shaft, the function of friction can make the work perfection more advantageous. Then, according to the needs of the machinery industry, there are many types of differential shafts for design and production. Each type of differential shaft has the same function in use, but there may be differences in operation. And what is the conditioning nature of the key type differential shaft at work?

First: key-press conditioning


     For the friction speed of the XC differential shaft, the speed will be stable according to the perfect rotation of the accessories in the auxiliary function. And in the slip axis for each column, and in the speed adjustment, it is also an advantage for the button-type adjustment.

Second: adjustment of inflation pressure


     In terms of the main key function of controlling the speed, and the performance of the accessory support during the rotation will be affected by the working principle according to the size of the pressure received, so for the smooth effect of speed adjustment, the inflation pressure must be suitable Saturation.