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XC differential shaft principle: talk about understanding the slow phenomenon of ball-type differential shaft during operation

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2020-12-01 16:15:22【large middle-sized small

In the working principle of the machine, the differential shaft is the main part of the work. The use of the ball-type differential shaft, under the control of the material rolling, can meet the requirements of the mechanical operation principle to obtain good results, and it is also It can avoid the loss phenomenon caused by friction and bearing pressure. So, when the ball-type differential shaft is used, there will be serious losses when the speed is slow when rolling, so how should we understand the phenomenon of slow rolling?


First: check for slack


       When the working principle is slow, you should check whether the ball of the differential shaft is loose and the speed is slow. Therefore, when operating the rolling, there must be different operating pressures in different positions. Therefore, the principle of accessories is to increase the sliding force and accelerate the speed, but in order to prevent the slowness, the work phenomenon should be checked regularly.

Second: Avoid obstacles


     On the principle of XC differential shaft, it is necessary to take regular maintenance and maintenance measures, and also to clean the oil and debris inside at any time, so as to meet the pressure of the accessories to adjust the speed, but it is better to maintain the normal speed.