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XC differential shaft Manufacturer: What is the difference between the differential shaft and the ordinary air expansion shaft?

Source of the article:Editor:popularity:0Publication time:2020-12-01 16:20:39【large middle-sized small

Common air expansion shaft mainly its structural expansion watts through shaft a long, no section, so no slip function. There is no corresponding slip action for the tension change due to the material change when cutting multiple strips. When the tension changes or the thickness of the material is uneven, it is easy to cause uneven winding, broken strips, loose coils, and unwinding, resulting in material loss. The rewinding line speed is low, and the work efficiency is poor. The same shaft cannot collect large and small rolls at the same time.


The characteristics of the differential shafts of XC differential shaft manufacturers are stable performance, strong adaptability and durability, and relatively low cost. And can automatically unload the volume. Forward and reverse winding, do not take off during winding. No offset.


The air expansion shaft is used for the winding of materials with small thickness error, fewer rolls and greater tension. Its advantages are simple structure, low cost and convenient unloading. So, both have the same advantages. It is also different in operation.