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Guangzhou Junheng Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd
Mobile:13724052386 Mr Yin
Address: No. 7, Zhengli Street, Dongcun Industrial Zone, Shawan Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou city
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- You don’t know all the advantages of differential shafts[ 2017-09-26 ]
- 西村式滑差轴是收卷和放卷专用设备,虽然它的结构比较复杂,但是使用非常的灵活方便。它弥补了气压式滑差轴在使用过程中,由于高速的运转产生的摩擦导致气囊烂掉。同时,它不会摩
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- The air expansion shaft is an excellent tool for retracting and unwinding[ 2017-09-14 ]
- 气胀轴,是收放卷的工具。主要分为板式气胀轴、键式气胀轴2种。板式的气胀轴,又叫板片气胀轴,膨胀起来的主要是板片,它的特点是支点比较匀散,受力也是非常的均匀。主要是用于收卷
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- Not everyone understands the world of air expansion shaft[ 2017-09-11 ]
- 我们大家都知道气胀轴,它是一种收卷和放卷的工具。它的工作原理其实就是通过高压充气后可以迅速膨胀起来的轴,把气放掉之后又能够迅速缩回。但是在使用气涨轴的时候,又需要注
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- The subtlety of the air expansion shaft[ 2017-09-04 ]
- As the name suggests, the air expansion shaft is made by inflating the air nozzle of the air expansion shaft with an air gun, which comes from Meses. The protru
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